More than just a gym.
Fitness and healthy living is more than just finding the motivation to stick with our reps at the gym. It's a lifestyle and the best way to stick to that lifestyle is finding a community of people that will support and motivate you. Experts have stated finding this community of people that match that lifestyle is your best bet for success. This is what you will find at Capoeira Massapê. This is what our Capoeira culture is all about. Having fun and working hard to get better, while laughing and cheering each other on.
Join our community

Am I ready?
Watching Capoeira for the first time can be overwhelming. You see people flipping and kicking like they are professional gymnasts. You ask yourself "How will I ever be able to do that?," "Am I too slow of a learner to even try?" or "Am I ready to start?"
All these questions are why we approach teaching in a different way. Our instruction walks you through all the basics of Capoeira, everything you need to succeed as a Capoeirista. You will learn all the basic kicks, dodges, songs and movements at your own pace and with the encouragement of others.
Mental Fitness
Capoeira trains you to be focused and face your mental barriers. Taking your body physically father than you thought capable will inspire and fuel you to train even harder. Starting Capoeira will open up your mind to your new possibilities. It feels so good to be your own motivation. To see your own development and have your peers acknowledge it as well.
This is what our culture is all about: self-improvement and support for others.
Shortly after starting Capoeira Strong Start you will see this is a place where you can thrive in your fitness and welcome the uniqueness of this Brazilian Martial Art.

A cut above your average Martial Art
Capoeira is a unique Martial Art because there is more to it than just kicks and dodges. There's strategy, music, song, axe' (pronounced ah-sheh which means good energy). This is not your average rigid Martial Art. Capoeira is dynamic, fluid, and truly unique.
At Capoeira Massapê you are surrounded by a group of people who support you, your efforts and your pace. We train hard and train our best, but there is no judgement for where you are. Pace or ability doesn't matter, effort does. We celebrate strong efforts, good attitudes, and supportive peers.
We cannot wait to meet you and have your own personal energy and qualities become part of our Capoeira community.